Archive | June, 2012

We are Responsible for Who Our Children Become

13 Jun

After reading this chapter in my textbook for my Infant and Toddler Development class, it amazes me on how many factors can affect a child’s environment.  It is kind of frightening actually, as a child can be enormously affected by factors that they have no control over. According to the journal by Knafo and Plomin, a child’s prosocial behavior is heavily influenced from the parenting styles chosen by his or her mother and father.  This makes me want to be the perfect parent.

I believe this is a fear of mine, but isn’t it the fear of anyone who will be a parent someday?  I am absolutely petrified that I will not raise my children in the “ideal” fashion.  It’s kind of funny of how I am not ashamed to admit that in the least bit–how very vulnerable of me!

I strongly believe that genetics does affect the environment.  As explained on page 85 in the Berk text, passive correlation is when values are instilled in children when they have no control over it.  The book uses the example of a child inheriting athletic abilities or interests because their parent(s) had emphasized outdoor activities.  However, what if the passive correaltion is not so positive?  In some cases, violence is hereditary; it is sometimes passed down for more than one generation.  Children cannot control these unfortunate circumstances, which means there is a possibility that they may inherit this quality and become violent themselves.

The other side of this negative passive correlation that I speak of is the simple fact that not every child is affected by it, or they are not always a product of their environment, so to speak.  On page 86, it states that “accumulating evidence reveals that the relationship between heredity and environment is not a one-way street, from genes to environment to behavior”.  Both affect one another; it is biodirectional.  It was proven in the study on page 86 that unfavorable genetic-environment correalation can be uncoupled through good, caring, parenting strategies.  Through good parenting, positive experiences are bestowed among children, which “modify the expression of heredity”.  For example, a child may have had negative passive-correaltion from their biological parents.  Let’s say he or she was then adopted by a kind, loving family that treated them in a positive manner–this could very well result in prosocial behavior rather than aggression, or other unfavorable attitudes.

As mentioned in the Berk text, genes affect children’s behavior and experiences, but their experiences and behavior also affect gene expression.  So, I while I do agree that genetics affects the environment, I also believe in the biodirectional theory; that the environment affects genetics as well.  I am a walking example of this.  My childhood was not perfect, but who’s is anyway?  I made a huge promise to myself–my kids will have it a lot better than I did, and I strongly believe that I am the only one who is responsible for this outcome.

Berk, E., Laura. Infants and Children: Prenatal Through Middle Childhood. 7th ed. Pearson Education, Inc. 2012.

Knafo, Ariel, and Robert Plomin. “Prosocial Behavior from Early to Middle Childhood: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Stability and Change.” Developmental Psychology 42.5 (2006): 771-86. Print.


My Most Personal Post Yet

7 Jun

So, I very rarely use my blog as a personal venting area.  I find that many people DO use their blogs as a diary.  Anywho, here’s getting to know me….

On February 10th, 2012, my boyfriend Brian and I were on the observation deck of the Marriot Custom House in Boston, Mass.  After kissing me on the head he got down on one knee and proposed.  Ever since that day, scratch that—ever since the day that we met…I’ve been on cloud nine.

How cliche; boy meets girl, they marry, and live happily ever after.  Blah, blah, blah.  No but in all seriousness, I am so happy.  Sometimes I can hardly contain my happiness.  I tell my friend Loretta that I feel as though sunshine and rainbows are going to burst through my skin (lol).

I just love my fiance so very much.  Sometimes I think God built the perfect man and sent him to me through some sort of debt; not that the “big man upstairs” owes anyone (let alone me) any debts, and I won’t get into specifics here…but did I deserve this man?  I’d like to think so.  My road has not been easy up until this point and I cannot thank the good Lord enough for sending Brian to me.  I like to thank God for him, but in reality I should thank Brian himself.  He is the most wonderful person I have ever met in my entire life–fiance or not.  He’s a great man, and the fact that I am marrying him in 1 year and 4 months makes me beam with pride.

I can only hope that I get to change my blog to “The Nifty Mommy” is a couple of years!   🙂

I Just Adore The Fresh Beat Band

1 Jun

Okay, so I am obsessed with The Fresh Beat Band lol, alright maybe not OBSESSED.  That’s I dangerous word.  However I do think they are a wonderfully talented group.

The show is super cute and funny.  I also own the CD (only con is that the problem solving song is not on it lol) and their songs are ridiculously catchy.  The little girl I babysit for adores them and it’s oh SO cute to see a child of her size singing and dancing to the music.  I’d love to get her tickets for her 2nd birthday, but they are just as pricey as my Madonna tickets!  Too funny.  Very deserving though Fresh Beats, very deserving.

I have been trying to read on the FBB, but only found a few fun facts on IMDB:

The Fresh Beat Band was originally called The Jumparounds.
Each member of the band has their own catchphrase. Shout – “Cool Beans!”, Marina – “Hip Hop and Pop!”, Kiki – “Kickin’!”, and Twist – “sweet”.
Each band member has their own designated colors. Even when they change outfits, the outfits still have the same colors. Shout – brown and orange, Marina – teal and purple, Kiki – pink and white, and Twist – blue and yellow
The Fresh Beat Band has a group of younger children that dress like them, and follow them around. This group is known as the Junior Beats.
The town that they live in is never mentioned.
Shayna Rose (the original girl that played the character “Marina”) left the series after the second season, because she got engaged and also wanted to pursue other acting opportunities. She was replaced by Tara Perry.
Anyhow, if you would like my advice, get your children into the FBB!  Not only will they be attracted to the singing and dancing, but each episode has a story–complete with humor and extremely bright colors.

For your viewing pleasure, The Fresh Beat Band’s “Shine”–